Human Resource Management System
Your performance
Our commitment
Service from OUR heart
About Us
Skynet Solutions Limited is a subsidiary of Freeway Solution Company Limited, primarily focused on developing mobile applications for Human Resource Management solutions since 2015.
With a team of HR consultants and IT experts, Skynet Solutions provides an HR system designed to meet the diverse practical needs and compliance requirements of businesses operating in Hong Kong, China, and Macau, as well as around the Asia Pacific region. Our goal is to empower enterprises of all sizes to effectively manage and mobilize their modern workforces.
Skynet Solutions’ HR system is the preferred choice for many SME-class customers.

Skynet Solutions HR system manages your globally dispersed workforce management, improve human resource processes, and enhance employee satisfaction for greater efficiency and cost savings across the enterprise.
Key Features and Benefits of Skynet Solutions HRMS
Multiple languages of English, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese
Full compliance with labour ordinances in Hong Kong, China and Macau
Supports iOS & Android Mobile App employee self-service platforms. Suitable all the staff from different regions
Supports user-defined approval feature for core HR system
Offer sophisticated security features including Access Control and Audit Log
Skynet Solutions HRMS provides regular training to the consultants, so they can keep abreast with the latest technological developments and conform to the changes in the HR landscape.
Happy Clients
Matsumoto Kiyoshi (HK) Co., Limited
Over the past year and a half, we have received a lot of help from Skynet Solutions Limited HRMS. Their support is attentive and fast, taking care to resolve any issues you may have.

The Kowloon Dairy Ltd.
We have been with Skynet Solutions for more than six years now, and the system is tailor-made to suit our daily operation needs. We are using i-leave, attendance, rostering and payroll modules, etc. It helps us to tackle the day-to-day HR solutions effectively. Their staff are friendly and helpful, and able to render timely assistance whenever if need arise.

Union Shop Hong Kong
As a client of Skynet Solutions Limited HRMS for 5 years, Skynet Solutions HR system helped us to streamline duplicate and time consuming daily task such as leave, attendance, roster and payroll management etc.
“We view Skynet Solutions Limited as a trusted friend on HR system
support and look forward to our continued relationship.”

Tokyo Electron Device Asia Pacific Limited
The technicians in Skynet are supportive.
The system they provide fits to different time zones, shift patterns and holiday calendars. The interface is simple, it is easy for our staff to use and us to manage.

Price List
➥ Support Service Provider / Subcontractor
➥ Unlimited Documents Opload
➥ Batch Update Information
➥ Simple / Advance Access Rights Setup
➥ Flexible Staff Information Export
➥ 40+ Employee Report
➥ Annual Leave calculation plan(Common Year End / Anniversary Year)
➥ Unlimited Annual Leave Plan
➥ Auto Annual Leave Year End
➥ Unlimited Sick Leave Plan
➥ Rest day / Statutory Holiday
➥ Multi Country Holiday
➥ Support Leave Taken In Hourly Base
➥ Excel Leave Import
➥ Late / Early Leave Setting
➥ OT Setting
➥ OT Balance To Compensation Leave Flow
➥ OT Balance Accumulation (Month End)
➥ Special Day Adjustment (Typhoon/Black Rain Storm)
➥ Attendacne Exception Record Email Alert
➥ Integrate Timecard Machine
➥ Self-Upload Clocking Records
➥ Attendance Report
➥ Support Time / Shift Code
➥ 418 Staff Notification
➥ 418 Staff Batch Update Benefit
➥ Lunch Rest Roster Available
➥ Shop Transfer
➥ Roster Report
➥ Excel Roster Import
➥ Minimum Wage Calculation
➥ Long Service Payment/Severance Payment Calculation
➥ Payment in Lieu Calculation
➥ Overtime/Attendance Allowance Calculation
➥ Other Allowance (Typhoon/Night-Shift etc)
➥ Autopay Export Integration (HSBC/BOC/BEA/DBS/etc...)
➥ Flexible Self-Designed Shop/Office Payroll Report
➥ Other Payroll Report (Hourly Rate Details/Overtime Pay Details)
➥ Excel Payroll Import
➥ Support MPF/ORSO/Voluntary Plan
➥ Multi MPF Provider (HSBC/Manulife/AIA/etc...)
➥ IRD IR56B/IR56F/IR56G/IR56M Submission